SCALE's mission is to ensure that transformation of the Sonoma Developmental Center manifests the vision of thousands of community stakeholders and balances the site’s priceless natural values with human needs by:
- Ensuring redevelopment density is scaled to surrounding semi-rural land uses and site limitations and does not result in urbanization outside established urban growth boundaries;
- Embracing a Housing First! approach that prioritizes residential housing over commercial/hotel development and maximizes the amount of affordable housing on the site, with a focus on housing for people with low and very low incomes, essential workers, and individuals with developmental disabilities;
- Enhancing the function of the critical Sonoma Valley Wildlife Corridor and promoting stewardship of the surrounding open space as public parkland;
- Minimizing wildfire risks to lives and property;
- Maximizing preservation and rehabilitation of historically significant buildings, structures, and landscapes; and
- Minimizing adverse impacts on local and regional transportation systems, water and sewer systems, biological resources, carbon emissions, historic resources, and wildfire evacuation capabilities.